Thursday, September 30, 2010

What is a Scrappin' Divas Weekend

Can you imagine 3 or 4 days to do nothing but work on your scrapbooks?  No meals to fix, no kids to tend to, no rooms to clean? 
That is exactly what you get when you join us for a Diva Weekend.  
Our weekends are held at the Clarion Hotel in San Jose and include everything you need to feel like a Diva.
Your weekend includes your lodging, meals, goodie bag, door prizes and a Make-It-And-Take-It project.  Each participant gets their own six foot table in the workroom that is available 24 hours a day so you can stay up as late as you want working on your projects.
We even have massages and pedicures available - the total Diva experience!
Do you want to join us? 


  1. I want to be the first to say a big THANK YOU to Sue for all your hard work. We all LOVE our Diva Weekends.

    The weekends would not be a success without all the wonderful ladies that also help put it on. To all the DIVAS!!

  2. Yes a big thank you for allowing us to be Divas for a week-end. You made it sooooooo relaxing. Am sooo looking forward to the January one.
